2nd Birthday Show n' Tell

It's been two years since Async kicked off. To celebrate our birthday, we'd like to bring together some quickfire demos of your latest projects, experiments or newfound techniques. 5 minutes for a demo, 3 minutes for questions.
Would you like to grab a slot? Get some inspiration from our previous show n' tells (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
[Update]: The demos
- Steve Moss; a MVC web app that uses jQuery UI to manipulate tabular data, showing how a little JavaScript can make a big difference to the usability of a site.
- Dan Neame; a little JavaScript canvas game.
- Luis Abreu; quick functional prototyping for mobile devices, using requirejs, basic python static file server and a few other HTML5/CSS3/JS goodies.
- Rosario Rascuna; how to embed a chat widget in a website with twitter oauth, pusher notifications, sinatra on heroku, coffescript and handlebars, all glued with CORS requests.
- Pete Goodman; a cross-device e-reader web app I recently madeā¦ (Including a few notes on JS and responsive web design for iOS/Android/Kindle, etc).
- Thomas Parslow; CasperJS, a framework for writing integration tests using PhantomJS, a headless Webkit browser.
- Chris Andrews; using DTrace with Node.js, using the dtrace-provider module, with examples of debug tracing and looking at latency in servers.
- Craig Moore; a Drupal WebGL module hooby project.
- Benjie Gillam; building a Backbone.js Redis store