AngularJS - Testability in mind

Angular teaches your old browser new tricks. It is what HTML would have been had it been designed for building web-applications.
Angular is radical because it eliminates boilerplate code with declarative rather than imperative syntax. Having an awesome framework is not enough; one needs to have easy testability, since this is the easiest way to develop and maintain big apps. In this session, we will focus on how AngularJS makes applications a joy to test and look at how Angular compares to other web application toolkits, like Backbone, Ember and Knockout.
Vojta Jína is originally from the Czech Republic, and currently a software engineer at Google, Mountain View. He is a big fan of Test Driven Development and open source projects. In free time, he really enjoys music, especially playing trumpet and collects speeding tickets.
Update: slides and resources online
- Slides from the talk – use Canary Chrome for hardware acceleration
- AngularJS links
- The app we made
- Angular tutorial – highly recommended