/* TEAM */ Lanyrd Widget: Aaron Acerboni Twitter: @aaronacerboni Location: Brighton, UK Design & Development: Aron Carroll Twitter: @aroncarroll Location: Brighton, UK Design & QA: Premasagar Rose Twitter: @premasagar Location: Brighton, UK Tools Development: Yann Eves Website: https://yannev.es Location: Brighton, UK Upgrades & Re-design (2019): Jake 'Sid' Smith Twitter: @jakesidsmith Location: Brighton, UK And all our other contributors at https://github.com/asyncjs/asyncjs.github.com/graphs/contributors /* THANKS */ Richard Rutter and Josh Emerson @ Fontdeck for the fonts. /* SITE */ Last update: Fri Jul 26 2024 01:05:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)