Introduction to jQuery Plugin Development

Perhaps you've been using jQuery for a while now but have yet to write or even appreciate the need to write a plugin. This session sets out to introduce you to jQuery plugin development, why you might want to consider it, how to get started and what the benefits are.
Alistair Macdonald will lead the session, dealing with questions such as:
- What does it mean to have a plugin?
- What's so good about jQuery plugins?
- What are some practical examples?
- How do I create a plugin? (Live coding!)
- What do I need to bear in mind when I create one?
- Great! So, I made a plugin. Should I share it with others? How should I do that?
- When shouldn't I create a jQuery plugin and simply create a useful script that has a jQuery dependency?
Ali is a local freelance JavaScript and PHP developer, and a coordinator at Async.
The slides and example plugin from the talk are now available online.