AliceJS - CSS animations for apps & games

AliceJS is an open source JavaScript library to create advanced animations with CSS. It’s self-contained and works directly against the DOM to support a variety of use cases for web applications.
With one line of JavaScript, you can make almost any DOM elements swerve around the page, yet retain control over the animation's parameters. The framework also introduces the concept of Organics, adding randomisation characteristics to create visual effects that are subtly different each time. Useful for games and business apps alike, AliceJS can bring freshness and polish to your work in a very simple and straightforward manner.
Laurent Hasson is the Technical Director responsible for driving strategy, architecture, open source and community relationships around Research In Motion's Web Platform. At RIM, he's been focusing on WebKit, WebWorks, Ripple and experimental projects such as AliceJS. He's been deep in web technologies since the mid 90's and is an avid JavaScript/HTML/CSS, Java and SQL developer. He codes and watches at least two movies every day (and has funny hair).