JavaScript Jungle 2

As part of the Brighton Digital Festival, the two Async meetups in September will transform into a collaborative art project: to create a collectively coded canvas of animated creations, the JavaScript Jungle.
We'll first learn a little about visual technologies, such as creating vector graphics in the browser with Raphael.js and SVG, and drawing on HTML5 Canvas with libraries like Processing.js, EaselJS and Paper.js. Then the hacking begins...
Working either in groups or on our own, for the sessions on September 8th and 22nd, we'll create little creatures, objects and other virtual beings that co-habit the same shared environment on a single web page.
We'll use something like GitHub Gists or JSBin to share code snippets, and have a Node.js server pull everyone's creations into a single canvas. The creations will be able to interact with one another by publishing and subscribing to simple JavaScript-based events... myFrog.listen("rainfall").ribbit();
All shall become clear!
If you are a coder, an artist, or otherwise curious, then do sign up and come along - to both sessions if you can. We'll post the results online here for all the world to see.
- See the beautiful jungle:
- Read the write-up:
- Grab the code and add a creature: