Twofer - From Local to Live - Generate yo' Generators

In this special two for one evening, we'll be welcoming Graham Smith to the Async stage for the first time, with a talk entitled "From Local To Live":
Local development environments and deploying to live servers can be tricky and also subjective. At Clearleft, over the course of a year, we moved to using Virtual Machines for local development and unmanaged servers for our hosting. We then wrote a command-line tool focused on simplifying local development and managing our remote servers. We called it ‘Elf’.
In this talk I’d like to share our setup, the system we built and some of the things we’ve learnt along the way.
Graham will be joined by Yann Eves with his talk "Generate yo' Generators".
Autonomy in the way we produce a working solution from source and serving static files are nothing new. However, in a trend plagued by new it's clearly important to revisit technologies that have since lost the hype, even dated as far as 2012 (gasp!) or 2008 (faint!). We're not averted to making things complicated in the world of JavaScript, which often leads to us putting off cool side-projects, open source contributions, or what have you..
In this talk, I'd like to introduce some changes I've been working on for the Async website static site engine, as well as how you can make use of my hipster discoveries to bring forward your own side-projects, or even.. a blog! Expect no slides, we'll dive straight into the code; I'll focus on the interesting stuff, so bring a notepad.