Sponsor Us

Async is now completing its second year of twice monthly JavaScript events, and we want to build on our successes. We are looking for companies or individuals who would like to sponsor Async each month, allowing us to invest in our community.
What is the sponsorship for?
We would like to be able to pay someone in the community to assist with event promotion and management, to record, edit and publish a podcast of audio/video recordings for the wider web, and more besides (let us know if you could be that person, or have some other ideas).
We would like to be able to cover travel and accommodation for our out-of-town speakers, and a pre-Async meal.
We would like to purchase equipment, such as a camcorder, tripod, projector, microphone, cables and more.
Why sponsor?
By sponsoring Async, you support our grassroots efforts and develop a closer relationship with our community – just as the Guardian did when they sponsored our early months.
If you are potentially interested, we can send you details of our sponsorship packages and tell you about all the benefits. Please email us at hello@asyncjs.com.
Thanks. We look forward to partnering with you.