/International/ JavaScript Show n' Tell

Async has hosted JavaScript Show n' Tells before (one here and one there), but this one's a little special, because this time there'll be a boatload of international visitors in Brighton for the legendary Full Frontal conference. So, on the evening before the conference, we'll be taking over the downstairs space at The Skiff, to hear your very special presentations.
You can show a pet project that you've been working on, or a brilliant JavaScript-based app that you've seen, or tell us about a clever little library that you've used, or anything else JS that you love. It's 5 minutes per presentation + 5 minutes questions (we might tweak this, depending on the number of people who want to speak).
It's completely free to attend, and you are welcome to just watch and not give a talk. If you do want to show n' tell something, please tell us about it. We're really keen to hear from any of our out-of-town visitors, so don't be shy!
After Async, everyone's invited to the Full Frontal pre-conference social, just around the corner at The Fountainhead.
The demos
- Mark Wubben; my "chrome2ipad" project, with all the buzzwords; Chrome, extensions, HTML5, web sockets, iPad, and of course Node!
- Mike de Boer; Cloud9; Javascript IDE for Javascripters by Javascripters.
- Andy Mitchell; how we made the Gmail browser extension, ActiveInbox.
- Glenn Jones; Draggables, a combination of Html5 Drag and Drop and File APIs to exchange data between sites, the desktop enviroment and websites.
- Phil Hawksworth; nDistro for NodeJS package management.
- Kyran Dale;
- Paul Downey; TiddlySpace, discoursive non-linear web notebooks using TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWeb.
- Morgan Roderick; PubSub in JavaScript with PubSubJS.
- Premasagar Rose & Graeme Sutherland; Sqwidget, creating distributable JavaScript widget apps.
Jonathan Lister live-blogged the event...