Astronauts, Conway's Law and Text Adventure - Experiments in Remixable Servers

Today's Javascript apps are multi-team, multi-version, server-side, client-side behemoths.
Archictecture lets you build bigger things – but it's all too easy to miss out on when writing the first prototype.
Worse, it is often derided as something that only academics and Java developers need to think about.
One approach to managing this scale is to provide some kind of extension mechanism (e.g. plugins, addons or extensions), but such systems themselves require a large and well thought out system to plug into.
This talk explores a handful of concepts used in such systems and introduces a server-side prototype built whilst exploring a proposal for WebExtensions and turned out to be a really nice way of building modular nodejs apps.
This talk will contain code, but nothing mind-bending. Audience questions are encouraged throughout the talk, especially if you're confused and are convinced no-one else is.