Pablo and the art of SVG

Pablo is a simple, lightweight JavaScript library for generating interactive drawings in SVG (scalable vector graphics). It's a bit like Raphaƫl + jQuery + Underscore. In just 3KB.
Pablo's creator, Premasagar Rose, will be giving this Async session, to walk through the ins and outs of using the library, and of SVG in general.
Some example uses: low-level, interactive drawing, data visualisation, game canvases, responsive graphics and rich visual interfaces.
Pablo exposes a simple interface that gives access to all of SVG's granularity and power. The library stays lean by targetting the most recent desktop and mobile browsers, while failing gracefully elsewhere.
Pablo can create anything that SVG can, but makes it simple for JavaScript to generate the graphics, manipulate them over time or hook them together with other parts of a JavaScript program.
Prem is the principal of local web applications company, Dharmafly, is a hacker and mentor at Rewired State, and founder of Async and the Lab for the Recently Possible.
Update: Slides from the talk
Prem's slides on Pablo are at