
It's five years since Node.js was first introduced by Ryan Dahl. In that time, it's growth has been meteoric, but what has your experience been? Are you a nodemaster with scores of npm modules under your belt? Or is this the first you're hearing of it?
Wherever you are on the spectrum, come on down this Thursday to celebrate and learn about the technology that finally broke JavaScript out of the browser and set it free. Inspired by and building on March's Nodeschool, we'll be running a workshop to get you started, get you sorted, or get you sharing!
Whether this is your first time, or you attended Nodeschool previousy, this is a chance to get stuck in and see what all the fuss is about. Pick up from previous tutorials, or start Nodeschool from scratch; this will be a great opportunity to learn with the support of some experienced nodesters.
Have you been kicking around an idea you'd like to try out but haven't the time and/or skills to realise it? Bring along your project and we'll find you somebody to collaborate with/learn from so you can see it into fruition!
This is a call to arms: we've got a few Node experts coming down but the more the better. This is your chance to give something back, help spread the joy of Node, and maybe learn something along the way!