Everything you ever wanted to know about Three.js and WebGL but were afraid to ask

WebGL is one of the most exciting features to hit the web in recent years. You can use it for a wide range of applications and visualisations, in both 2D and 3D, but is often seen to have a steep learning curve.
But it doesn't have to be hard! In this talk Dan Neame @cham will explain how you can use the popular library Three.js to build beautiful visualisations quickly and easily, covering all of the major topics from how to build a scene, how Geometries and Materials are constructed, right up to advanced topics such as reflection, particle systems and building your own Minecraft in the browser.
All source code is included, as well as multiple interactive demos, and a horse.
Dan Neame @cham is a programmer and horse / goat enthusiast at Brandwatch. (Image thanks to Kyle Phillips)