Web based interactive visualizations in D3.js

D3.js is a powerful JavaScript library for producing rich interactive data-driven visualizations for the web. The last few decades have seen an explosion of data; the challenge now is how to process and present that data in a human-readable way. As the plentiful examples at d3js.org and blocks.org show, D3 is capable of some pretty impressive stuff! This talk assumes no previous knowledge of D3.JS but does assume basic familiarity with JavaScript or a similar programming language.
About the speaker
Tom Parslow is a freelance polyglot developer and cake enthusiast based in Brighton. He has worked on projects ranging from rich interactive data visualisations with D3 and cross platform mobile applications with React Native to internet controlled football playing robots and robotic photo booths. You can check out his website at tomparslow.co.uk or follow him on Twitter at @almostobsolete
Update: slides
Tom's slides for the talk are available here