International JavaScript Show n' Tell 2011

It's that time of year again. As a troupe of JavaScripters from the back of beyond descend upon the humble shores of Brighton for another heady dose of the Full Frontal JavaScript conference, we wee Async folk will prop open our doors and welcome our international kinsfolk, for the breaking of bread and the sharing of our lofty wares.
On the night before Full Frontal, you are cordially invited to Async's "International Show n' Tell". If you'd like to take a 5-minute slot, to tell us about a project, a technique or a story, please let us know. (Check out last year's event for some inspiration).
Anyway, if you'd like to just attend, please sign up on the Lanyrd event page. See you there.
[Update]: The demos
- Pete Goodman; 5 projects in 5 minutes (Browser Breakout, Canvas Letters, Ghetto Blaster, Spotify Remote, Boris).
- Yves Van Goethem; how we track front-end errors at SoundCloud, what tools we use and how useful they are.
- Rebecca Murphey; Mulberry, an open-source HTML/CSS/JS framework for rapidly scaffolding, testing, and deploying mobile apps on Android and iOS.
- Daniel: using the DataSift API.
- Trevor Ward; using JavaScript to create a mobile app with Titanium.
- Mark Kirby; how we created the Chrome Web app, Tesco Food, which is written with backbone.js and hosted locally.
- Thomas Parslow; our new JSONPatch library, and maybe talk a little about RESTful APIs and the HTTP PATCH verb
- Sam Foster; what we've been doing at Javascript Leeds and what's new in Dojo 1.7.
- Mike de Boer; Cloud9 IDE, one year on.