Fishcotheque (part 2 of 2)

Calling all designers, developers and anyone else with a nautical interest. Have you ever wondered what lives down below the pier?
For this year's Brighton Digital Festival, we're continuing with our tradition of Hacknights. This year we're creating a collaborative canvas of weird and wonderful animated sea creatures to live in our Async Fishcotheque.
If you are a coder, an artist, or just curious about what we're up to, then do sign up and come along to learn how to create your very own creature.
We're looking for talented artists to give our sea creatures some visual flair and to help create an interesting environment for them to live in. So even if programming isn't your thing, do please come along and join the fun.
Please bring a laptop if you can. But don't worry if you don't have one, people will be working in small groups so you can always pair up with somebody who does.
We'll post the fishcotheque online here for the world to see.
This is part 2 of a 2 part series.