ESGolf (JavaScript Golf 2)

Come for a night of writing code that should get you fired from any normal programming job. Have fun and maybe even learn some new things about JavaScript and programming. Hideous trousers not required (but highly encouraged).
This time you'll be able to use the full power of ES6/ES2015 so this is a great opportunity to learn about Fancy New JavaScript.
The rules are simple. Solve the challenge in as fewer (key)strokes as possible to win the game, the adulation of your peers, and maybe even a sweetie.
Bring a laptop if you can, but we’ll be forming into teams so come along even if you don’t have access to one. Or, if you really love a challenge, you could do it all in your head and draw up your answer on the whiteboard!
All levels of coder are welcome for an educational and entertaining evening. See you there!