Async Special - Hapi.js Workshop

Writing an API can seem a complex task, but by using HAPI.js you can easily build well-structured APIs quickly. If you have ever wanted to build a backend for your latest mobile app idea or just a web interface to share data this workshop will show you how.
HAPI.js is now powering some of the web's largest APIs such as Walmart, NPM, and PayPal. It’s a Node.js framework suited to building solid APIs that are easy to code and maintain.
In this workshop Glenn will take you step by step from setting up a node server through to creating a RESTfull API with HAPI.js, and how to secure and deploy your API.
###What will be covered
- Setup Node.js server with HAPI.js
- Serving static files
- Using handlebar templates
- Creating routes and RESTful endpoints
- Validating data using JOI
- Storing data into Mongodb
- Auto documenting your API and plugins
- Using tokens to secure your API
- Deploying it to the web
###Workshop Unlike normal asyncjs nights, this an afternoon long workshop. The aim is to get all the attendees to build an API and become familiar with using the framework and tools.
###Skills required to get the most out of the workshop The workshop is aimed at Front-end devs, JavaScript and Node coders. You need an understanding of JavaScript beyond just using jquery, but you don’t need to be an expert, just confident enough to write your own functions. You should also be happy working with command line tools such as Grunt or similar. Knowledge of using Node.js is not needed, but will also help.
###Tickets As this is a workshop there are a limited number of places. If you wish to come please get a free ticket. If you cannot make it once you have a ticket, please release your place so that someone else can come.
Supported by 68 Middle Street
Glenn Jones is a designer and coder who has spoken about JavaScript at conferences such as Fullfrontal. He also maintains an open source auto documentation plug-in for HAPI.js .