First Birthday Show n' Tell

Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us!
Yes, Async is now one year old - and what a year it's been. Ever since Simon Willison's inspirational first session on server-side JavaScript, we've kept up the pace with twice monthly talks on some of the hottest topics in modern web development. A brand new community of developers has been born.
Today, we celebrate our birthday with the ever-popular Show n' Tell. Come and show us what you've been up to in the land of JavaScript (/HTML5/CSS3...); interesting little projects, clever uses of a technique, or insightful websites and apps you've stumbled across that have changed your thinking on the ways of the web.
Sessions are 5 minutes + 5 minutes for questions. You can see our previous Show n' Tells here, here and here.
Please let us know if (and what) you'd like to share with us. Don't be shy... all are very welcome.
[Update]: The demos
- Aaron Acerboni; experimenting with sentiment analysis on Twitter, using jqBarGraph.
- Andrea Fiore; WaybackFox, a browser extension for time-aware browsing, using Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
- Stoo Goff; a small animation project for a client.
- Phil Hawksworth; using jQuery Mobile to help create a mobile experience on many devices.
- Craig Moore; creating a CMS for WebGL content (JQuery + JQuery UI + custom widgets + WebGL, Joomla + Doctrine ORM).
- Premasagar Rose; creating a JavaScript-based tiled-image zooming script for panning and zooming very large images on touch-based tablets and mobiles.
- Andy Hume; responsive images, building on filament group and Scott Jehl’s work. And a small local storage library, including some experiments on the feasibility of encrypting locally cached data in the browser with JavaScript.
- Josh Emerson; using the history api in combination with ajax.