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15th Birthday Show n Tell

Sponsored by Runway EastSilicon Brighton.

@ Runway East York And Elder Works, 50 New England St, Brighton BN1 4AW Map of Runway East
Cupcake display

Async is now fifteen years old - a decade and a half! Come ye all for an evening of lightning talks. Tell us about a project, a library, a technique, a story, or anything else to do with JavaScript and its extended family (HTML, CSS, SVG, animated GIFs) or the wider world of web.

Call for sponsors: this will likely be the last event that Silicon Brighton will be sponsoring us for drinks, and there's a limited supply available. Please bring your own drinks to avoid missing out, and let one of the organizers know if you, your company, or someone you know would like to sponsor drinks for future events.

If you would like to grab a speaking slot, please leave a comment on the [meetup event][meetup] including:

  • Your name:
  • Your main website (if you have one):
  • Where to find you on the socials (e.g. Twitter: @asyncjs):
  • A sentence or two about your talk:
  • Any other relevant links:

We welcome people of all backgrounds and experience levels, so whether you've got a few years under your belt, or you're just starting to look into development we'd love to have you along.

You will be able to join us in-person at Runway East or online via YouTube.

Pizzas provided by our venue! Runway East has been fighting boring offices since 2014. Members get team bliss guaranteed with space to scale. Learn more. A limited number of drinks will be available thanks to Silicon Brighton, but we recommend you bring your own to avoid missing out.

Thinking of coming? Join us on Meetup

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