Phil Nash Doublebill - WebRTC and Push notifications

Phil Nash will be joining us for a two-part evening exploring the increasingly important area of realtime technologies.
First up is a speech entitled "WhatRTC? Everything you need to know to connect browsers to the world", where Phil will give us the skinny on one of the most fascinating and flexible new browser capabilities in recent times, WebRTC.
The second part of the evening will see Phil exploring Push Notifications with his talk "The web is getting pushy".
The meetup will be sponsored by Riot Games, who will provide pizzas and beers for all. Please get in touch if you have any specific dietary requirements at hello AT asyncjs DOT com
Here is the video of the talk and here are the resources Phil mentioned during his talks:
Blog post walking through WebRTC video
#The web is getting pushy
Slides (The upload is from when I gave the talk at a different conference, but the only difference is the hashtag we used)