TypeScript Tales and Tailwind Types

NEW VENUE: We're trialling a move to Runway East, a brand new space we think makes an even better long-term home for Async meetups. Located a short walk from Brighton railway station on the ground floor of the new York & Elder development.
This month we bring you a special organisers' two-fer presented by Jake and Yann!
The Power of TypeScript
Jake will speak on advanced patterns in TypeScript you'll be glad to know. Along with powerful uses you may wish you didn't see. <T>
rigger warning.
Picking up Tailwind
Yann will share a lightning talk on upcoming features in Tailwind that simplify the developer experience and progressively enhance new CSS concepts. Try to @container
your excitement.
This session will explore advanced concepts and assumes a working knowledge of either or both tools. All experience levels are welcome as always, but this will be a chance to nerd out if your :nth-of-type()
is type safe recursion for breakfast.
You will be able to join us in-person at Runway East or online.
If you're thinking of joining us in-person, please sign up to the event on meetup.com. We also highly recommend you sign up to the Async Slack for more info, and updates.
Thinking of coming? Join us on Meetup