
Authentication is a perennial bugbear of the modern web developer. Should you use your own custom username/password solution? The vendor independent, but not yet prevalent, OpenID? Or take the easy option with Twitter, Facebook Connect or Google? Mozilla Persona is a brand new, decentralised authentication solution that takes the sorrow out of security.
In this talk, you'll learn:
- what Persona is
- how it works
- why you should use it
- how to integrate it into your site
Even if you aren't currently in need of an authentication solution, at some point you almost certainly will be. Come along to this talk from two of the engineers on the Persona team to arm yourself with the knowledge needed for the future of authentiation.
Update: Notes from the talk
Shane and Francois have kindly furnished us with the link to their slides, you can find them over at Speakerdeck.
Update 2: iOS integration
Several people asked about iOS integration during and after the talk. Good news! There's now a repository to do just that.
Shane Tomlinson was a C++ hacker in a previous life, before moving to Mozilla's London headquarters to work on Persona.
François Marier is a longtime advocate of free and open source technologies based in Auckland, New Zealand.